White Pearl Ruby Bracelet, Arie 5

84.00 TTC

Ruby, white pearls, quicksilver, everything matches with this piece, to bring you elegance and beauty.
SKU: GRPBB5F1bis Categories: , , , , Tags: ,
Bracelet made of: mostly white pearls accompanied by faceted discs of Ruby.


White Pearl
The Maharaja’s one & only!!!
Since 5 000 years, they are always there to capture the light, these pearls are goddesses who inflame passion. Hated, adored, they move througt time without losting their luster. And do not think you need the « Peregrina » to be more attractive…


The inner fire
This king of gem burns with fire and passion. It gives great strength & strong will when needed. It is the symbol of Victory, Love, Faith & Power. Always handy if you need to spice up your life!!!
A pearl ruby bracelet is a perfect love gift.
Additional Information
Weight 100.00 g
Bracelet Lenght

Woman Carats